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Among the cherry varieties, we make our cherry palinka from the most fragrant variety, the Szomolyai black cherry.
Among the cherry varieties, we make our cherry palinka from the most fragrant variety,...
Among the cherry varieties, we make our cherry...
Discover the European summer surprise of the FLY brandy distillery, EXPLOSIVE CITRUS FEDDE'S GIN.FEDDE'S GIN, the first citrus gin in Hungary. Based on domestic development, the expertise and experiments of a Dutch chef, we cook for those who love peach, quince and pear brandies. That's why this gin can...
Discover the European summer surprise of the FLY brandy distillery, EXPLOSIVE CITRUS...
Discover the European summer surprise of the...
It is made from traditional wine grapes, its aroma is fresh wine, and its taste is rounded by the muscat flavor of the Pölöske Muscat dried. All in elegant buckled glass
It is made from traditional wine grapes, its aroma is fresh wine, and its taste is...
It is made from traditional wine grapes, its...
This popular product contains a selection of 4 bottles of brandy. The wood holder is engraved, making it a great gift for a unique gift. Brandy varieties: Bolyhos Gypsy sour Cherry, Apricot, Plum and William Pear.
This popular product contains a selection of 4 bottles of brandy. The wood holder is...
This popular product contains a selection of 4...
Party box green brandy gift package, with 12* 0.02 l brandy. A barbecue party with friends or a barbecue with the family? Our palinka selection is a perfect choice! Contains: 3-3 bottles of gypsy cherry and Irsai Olivér grape 0.02 l 50% (V/V) pálinka and 3-3 bottles of golden apple and plum pálinka 0.02 l...
Party box green brandy gift package, with 12* 0.02 l brandy. A barbecue party with...
Party box green brandy gift package, with 12*...
There are 4 types of 50-degree Fluffy brandy available: golden apple, plum, grape and mixed fruit brandy.
There are 4 types of 50-degree Fluffy brandy available: golden apple, plum, grape and...
There are 4 types of 50-degree Fluffy brandy...
Traditionally; it is made from apple, grape, cherry and plum pálinka, the same 4 types of fruit are added to the bottle for the scotch. All this in an elegant bottle with a buckle.
Traditionally; it is made from apple, grape, cherry and plum pálinka, the same 4 types...
Traditionally; it is made from apple, grape,...
This popular product contains a selection of 3 bottles of brandy. The wood holder is engraved, making it a great gift for a unique gift. Brandy varieties: Bolyhos Gypsy sour Cherry, Plum and William Pear.
This popular product contains a selection of 3 bottles of brandy. The wood holder is...
This popular product contains a selection of 3...
A nice and elegant surprise for any holiday, either individually or as a corporate gift. Contents: Fluffy of quince, gypsy cherry, cherry, golden apple, pear, plum and mixed fruit bed 0.04 l 50% (V/V)
A nice and elegant surprise for any holiday, either individually or as a corporate...
A nice and elegant surprise for any holiday,...
Choose a gift package made from Bolyhos pálinka for your loved ones! Contains: 3-3 bottles of gypsy cherry and Irsai Olivér grape 0.02 l 50% (V/V) pálinka and 3-3 bottles of golden apple and plum pálinka 0.02 l 40% (V/V).
Choose a gift package made from Bolyhos pálinka for your loved ones! Contains: 3-3...
Choose a gift package made from Bolyhos pálinka...